Friday, 25 October 2013

Blockless Combat 10, Birmingham

Blockless Combat, the biggest Midlands skate event of the year, returns to Creation Skatepark in Birmingham on October 27th for the 10th time.

The event will include an A and B group vert competition, plus an awesome bowl jam, which is open to entrants from either of the vert groups.

Free entry for spectators, so there is no excuse not to go really!

All address details on the flyer.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Route One - Free Skate Day!


On 28th October, Route One will be taking over four of the nation’s finest indoor skateparks so that you can all skate for FREE!

Please share this event with your Facebook friends and click 'Attending'.

 Let’s make the R1 Free Skate Day 4 another massive day for skateboarding in the UK. #R1FSD4

Monday 28th October
North: The Works, Leeds, 10am-8pm 
East: Empire, Colchester, 10am-10pm
South: Prevail, Poole, 10am-6pm
West: Exist, Swansea, 10am-4pm